用 途:广泛适用于汽车配件、紧固件、链条、轴承、五金工具等行业机械零件的淬火、渗碳、碳氮共渗等热处理工艺,实现自动上料、清洗、加热、淬火、清洗、回火、染色、干燥、上油连续热处理生产工序作业,配上计算机控制系统实现电脑化办公室管理。
JK901 系列托辊型网带式电阻炉热处理生产线(轴承用热处理生产线)
JK901 Series Roller-supporting Mesh Belt Type Resistance Furnace Heat-treatment Line
用 途:广泛适用于汽车配件、紧固件、链条、轴承、五金工具等行业机械零件的淬火、渗碳、碳氮共渗等热处理工艺,实现自动上料、清洗、加热、淬火、清洗、回火、染色、干燥、上油连续热处理生产工序作业,配上计算机控制系统实现电脑化办公室管理。
Applications: Be widely applicable to the hardening, carburizing and carbonitriding etc. of the mechanical parts of automobile fittings, fastening, chains, bearings and tools etc. and realize continuous heat-treatment processes of automatic loading rinsing, heating, quenching, rinsing, tempering, dyeing, drying, and oil-covering etc. The whole line is controlled by computer.
Features: Easy operating, higher efficiency, energy saving, stable product quality, advanced control.
主要规格参数 Main Specifications and Parameters